Policyholder Services
Stress Support
Ophthalmologists who are or may become involved in medical malpractice litigation have a resource for support and information. The website was developed by the Physician Litigation Stress Resource Center and is available at www.physicianlitigationstress.org. The site serves as a resource for those seeking to mitigate the personal and professional stress associated with medical malpractice litigation.
Claims Q&A
-- Claim Process (13)
What is the statute of limitations in my state?
Will my claim be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank?
Will the company settle a claim without my consent?
What is OMIC's position on settling cases?
Can I choose my own legal counsel?
Who will be my legal counsel in the event of a claim?
What happens to the claim after a file is created?
What general advice will you give if a claim is reported against me?
What happens to the claim once I report it?
What should I do if I receive a request for medical records from an attorney?
-- Coverage Issues (9)
Will it jeopardize my coverage if I apologize to my patient for a bad outcome or medical error?
Will OMIC reimburse me for lost wages as a result of court appearances?
Will my OMIC policy cover me for claims arising from testimony I give as an expert witness?
Does OMIC participate in state Insurance Guaranty Funds?
Is OMIC's ability to pay claims limited by the amount of capital it has?
If I report a claim to OMIC and subsequently cancel my policy, will OMIC cover the claim?
If I have a claim, will it increase my premium or allow you to cancel my coverage?
-- Pre-claim Advice (1)