Policyholder Services
If a lawsuit is filed against you, OMIC and assigned defense counsel will require your participation and expertise to best represent your interests. In order to help you understand and cope with the legal process, OMIC has created resources for you. If you need immediate assistance during normal business hours, call the Claims department general line at (800) 562-6642 and Press 3.
Stress Management
Physician Litigation Stress Resource Center
Handbooks and Guides
Litigation and Deposition Handbooks
Practitioners Guide to the Data Bank
In the following 7-part YouTube video series Reflections on a Professional Liability Lawsuit: A Personal Perspective, former OMIC Chairman John W Shore, MD talks about being the target of a professional liability claim.
Part 1: Initial Reactions to Being Sued
Part 2: Clinical Issues Surrounding the Lawsuit
Part 3: When do I Report a Claim? Whom do I Contact?
Part 4: The Claims Team and the Litigation Process
Part 5: The Emotional/Psychological Stress of Being Sued
Part 6: Personal Analysis and Concerns About the Lawsuit
Part 7: The Aftermath of Being Sued and Lessons Learned
The Psychological and Emotional Impact of Being Sued
Surviving the Aftershocks of Malpractice Litigation
How to Survive A Malpractice Suit
How to Channel Your Anger into Winning Your Claim
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these PDF files. Get if free at Adobe’s website.
Claims Q&A
-- Claim Process (13)
What is the statute of limitations in my state?
Will my claim be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank?
Will the company settle a claim without my consent?
What is OMIC's position on settling cases?
Can I choose my own legal counsel?
Who will be my legal counsel in the event of a claim?
What happens to the claim after a file is created?
What general advice will you give if a claim is reported against me?
What happens to the claim once I report it?
What should I do if I receive a request for medical records from an attorney?
-- Coverage Issues (9)
Will it jeopardize my coverage if I apologize to my patient for a bad outcome or medical error?
Will OMIC reimburse me for lost wages as a result of court appearances?
Will my OMIC policy cover me for claims arising from testimony I give as an expert witness?
Does OMIC participate in state Insurance Guaranty Funds?
Is OMIC's ability to pay claims limited by the amount of capital it has?
If I report a claim to OMIC and subsequently cancel my policy, will OMIC cover the claim?
If I have a claim, will it increase my premium or allow you to cancel my coverage?
-- Pre-claim Advice (1)
Policy Issues Articles for Claims
What will OMIC pay for if I am sued?
National Practitioner Data Bank reporting
Incompetency: Reporting and Coverage
Reporting Malpractice Claims to the Government
Medical Record Corrections and Alterations
Apologies and Insurance Coverage
The Impact of a Claim on Your Policy