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Rob Fante, MD – OMIC Nominee to Academy’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) XIX Class of 2017

OMIC Risk Management and Underwriting Committee Member Robert G Fante, MD, FACS, of Denver Colorado was accepted for the LDP XIX, Class of 2017. Dr. Fante was nominated by OMIC to join a select group of twenty participants chosen from among a large group nominated by state, subspecialty and specialized interest societies.

The purpose of the Leadership Development Program (LDP) is to provide both orientation and skill development to future leaders of state, subspecialty and specialized interest societies. Nominees to the LDP must agree to develop a project that will benefit the nominating group.

The subject of Dr. Fante’s project will be lessons learned from closed oculofacial plastic surgery cases over OMIC’s 30 year history, with particular focus on trends in the past 10 years.  The types of claims and complaints that arise for the oculoplastic subspecialty are somewhat different than those for other branches of ophthalmology, and the levels of indemnity are often higher.  As the largest single carrier for this subspecialty, OMIC is in a unique position to have useful data that will hopefully reveal trends that can then be used to mitigate claims and improve patient safety.

This project will analyze details and statistics on the types of oculoplastic claims that OMIC has experienced with review of a few cases to illustrate particular points related to cosmetic surgery, informed consent, standard of care violations, etc.  The oculofacial plastic surgery claims data has not been previously studied at this level of detail, and is quite interesting.  Dr. Fante will also review physician strategies that are associated with getting into malpractice trouble, and those that are associated with staying out of trouble, as well as suggested algorithms to mitigate difficult situations.

More about Dr. Fante at https://www.drfante.com/


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