Risk Management

2022 Digest (Vol 32 No 1)

Allegations of failure to diagnose are common in medical malpractice lawsuits against ophthalmologists, and diagnostic error is an issue of ongoing concern in the healthcare community. In fact, one of the “Top 10 Patient Safety Concerns” listed in an ECRI (formerly the Emergency Care Research Institute) and Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) 2022 special report is “Cognitive Biases and Diagnostic Error.” We examine solutions. 

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Six reasons OMIC is the best choice for ophthalmologists in America.

Best at defending claims.

An ophthalmologist pays nearly half a million dollars in premiums over the course of a career. Premium paid is directly related to a carrier’s claims experience. OMIC has a higher win rate taking tough cases to trial, full consent to settle (no hammer) clause, and access to the best experts. OMIC pays 25% less per claim than other carriers. As a result, OMIC has consistently maintained lower base rates than multispecialty carriers in the U.S.