Risk Management

Failure to diagnose and treat acanthamoeba

Two claims result in $1.25 million in settlements during 2020.

The patient in the first claim had been diagnosed with herpes simplex keratitis and was treated with Valtrex and Zirgan before referral to an OMIC-insured corneal specialist for decreasing vision from a central dendritic scar. Upon examination, the insured noted the VA was 20/200 OD, with limited pain, but significant photosensitivity with a central dendritic pattern lesion; there was no epithelial defect. The insured concurred with the initial diagnosis of herpes simplex keratitis and continued Valtrex and Zirgan.

In the second claim, the patient was referred to the OMIC-insured corneal specialist by a comprehensive ophthalmologist with a diagnosis of herpetic keratitis treated with Zirgan, without improvement. During the first examination, the specialist noted the VA OS was 20/50 and diagnosed herpes simplex disciform keratitis with likely surface keratopathy. He prescribed oral acyclovir and prednisolone acetate, and placed a bandage soft contact lens. The VA fluctuated between 20/200 OS and 20/400 OS.

Read the entire treatment history, analyses, and takeaways from these two claims on pg. 6 of the 2020 Digest Vol 30 N0 1.


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